

Ok... I think it's time to write a little note here.

It's been a long holiday since... July something.

I've been busy, quite. But I felt happy at this very moment.

Things have changed a lot in this very month. I reconnect with my old partner, find new partners and having 'serious' fun while still on the track of pursuing my new business. Also, I get to be a leader of some part of organization in my faculty.

For you, I know there's really nothing much to tell on this year. We'll wait. And forever it is.

Qing Fei De Yi. F4. Actually we had a fifth member, but San Cai suits him I guess?

Thanks guys for bringing such joy into this sorrow life. Appreciate it.


Satu yang tidak pernah bergerak mundur... waktu. Satu titik pivot dalam hidup adalah ketika gue memutuskan keluar dari full-time vendor wedd...