
A New Hope for 2018.

I gotta take notes at my number of followers on Instagram: 612 followers, just curious to see how it will change next year.

RE SO LU SI - 20 17:
1. Bikin minimal 2 video setiap bulan. Upload to YouTube. Grow channel. Just to show-off some skills.
2. Work-out at least once per week. (Which is alr supposed to be easy...)
3. Create a team of people with the same successful mindset through videos.
4. Menang lomba dan mencoba buat gabung di organisasi lain.
5. Still going out with you no matter how crazy or fucked-up shits may happen.
6. Bisa jalan ke luar Indonesia min 1x tahun ini.
7. Beneran jadi volunteer. Harus. Ikut. Minimal. Sekali. Seumur. Hidup.
8. Minimal ada 40 posts di Blog tahun ini.
9. Belajar banyak dari kelas Advertising.
10. Bahagia.

Satu poin terpenting yang patut dirayakan adalah... followers Instagram gue sekarang berjumlah 985!!! 

(Okay, that was my narcissistic side speaking.)

As I read most of my points, I realized that this year might be one of the biggest change in my life.
I did not realize how many new things happened to me this year.

I joined two new organizations this year, through those I find new faces (Or you can also say new Instagram followers). I didn't write a lot on this space, I tried to move this blog to an Instagram format yet I got lazy and somehow forgot the password to that account.

For the first time I joined a volunteer activity called ETKTD. It was fun, I created 2 videos for their publicity and I know that I am truly happy that there are still some good souls that still want to bring help to others in need in this messed-up society.

I won a competition out of luck(?), a spelling bee competition which sounds like kindergarten thing but still its fun. Sadly I haven't made it travelling out from Indonesia once. Yeah, maybe next year. Who knows whats gonna happen.

YouTube thing, I never did start my channel this year. I didn't find any person that suits my idea and skills as well. I didn't do much workout. I got this one month full of cycling then suddenly I got really busy and those motivation of getting fitter just fades away. Anyway my advertising class taught me less than I expected. I still feel that I actually learned something but I hope that next year things will be more challenging.

However, I did feel happy by the end of this year. This year will be 8.3/10. I worked as an event videographer, made some commercial video for some clothing company, becoming part of documentation team on my organizations, and moreover I got recognition through what I made. Theres also a chance that I will become part of documentation for The Script's upcoming concert so wish me luck!

This year, I am becoming my real self. I am becoming more human.

And here goes my 2018s Resolution:

1. To join or work for some big-time videography company
2. Finding new source of income
3. Travel more, post more
4. Learn new skills other than video editing
5. Being together with her until next new year
6. Buy a proper editing laptop (But definitely not a macbook)
7. Create many visualstories for my Instagram (At least once a month)
8. Raise my Instagram followers to 2.000 or more (Which kinda sounds impossible... and useless)
9. Better than those amazing talented videographers on YouTube
10. Bahagia.

Last year I was to scared to hope. This year I hope that next year will give me more than what I had hope.

To 2018 and beyond,


i am (not-so) fat

I reached 70.8 kg today.

(Iya, gue shock banget.)

(Kayaknya terakhir kali nimbang sekitar bulan lalu, berat gue masih di kisaran 65-66 kg. Like, is this even possible?)

I noticed that the last few days (Okay... maybe also the last few months) that I've been eating more than usual. Mungkin karena lagi UAS, tingkat stres sedikit meningkat dan cara melampiaskan yang paling umum dan manusiawi adalah dengan makan.

*Elus perut*

Dan beberapa perubahan ekstrim selain double chin gue ternyata telah berevolusi jadi triple chin adalah... baju gue mulai banyak yang menolak untuk dipakai.

Hampir semua kaos favorit gue membuat tubuh gue terlihat buruk. Kaos favorit gue mendadak gak jadi favorit lagi.

Rasanya malu banget berjalan dengan badan yang membengkak ini, dua tips jenius terlihat kurus (sementara) adalah pakailah baju berwarna hitam dan pakailah jaket bomber. (Kenapa harus bomber? Karena lagi nge-trend.)

Baju yang udah gak muat membuat gue (sangat) bertekad untuk kurusin badan lagi, karena sebagai seorang cipe (Baca: cina pelit) profesional tentu gue diajarkan untuk gak beli baju baru kecuali udah sincia.

oh i am so sad, why i got fat,


moving pictures

Udah basi banget sih kalo gue baru bahas sekarang...

But I finally got my first bokeh-acceptable mirrorless camera aka Canon EOS M10 (Bcs all that matters is as long as kameranya bisa atur exposure and create bokeh, then it's a camera for me.)

One thing yang paling gue suka dari kameranya adalah fitur touch-screen dan flip screen. Karena dibanding kamera 20 juta temen gue (Sony A7S) yang layarnya gak bisa dikeluarin dan diteken-teken, paling enggak ada sisi dimana gue bisa sombong sedikit, hehe.

Dari kamera itu gue udah buat beberapa video buat anak-anak gereja gue dan video volunteer untuk anak-anak English To Knock The Door.

Anyway, itu memang cuman test kamera, ibarat mobil yang baru di starter.

Sekarang ini gue lagi sibuknya mengurus konsep buat bikin satu channel (yang sepertinya akan digarap dengan lebih serius) dan gue super bahagia akhirnya ketemu satu temen yang punya passion sama seperti gue.

Gue gak tau kapan gue bakal upload videonya, semoga monthly bisa ada satu project yang jadi dan semoga lagi gue gak jadi procrastinator dan nyesel di akhir tahun seperti biasanya.

Camera, Roll, Action.

i (didn't) win.

(Since it was an English speech competition that I've been working on. I'll write this on English as well.)

It was a very heartbreaking moment the way that you know there's always someone better than you. But I've never ever imagined that it would be a very big number of people. Out of 88 people, that day I probably ranked around 80-ish something. They were very fascinating yet intimidating at the same time.

Last February, I joined this competition called Asian English Olympics 2017 (AEO) as a speech participant. I wasn't in my best condition, I still got some fever left yet because I've been preparing this whole thing for a whole month (fyi, it's supposed to be holiday yet it doesn't feel like one at all), I feel tempted to keep going (and maybe also bcs i paid half the entrance fee, lol.)

I completely didn't make it anywhere, but I wasn't bad at all (#self-proclaimed), it's just they were better than me (this isn't an excuse).

I've learned that even losing sometimes taught you to keep going, no matter how hard things you'll face. And I'm supposed to join another speech competition this month... but I quit. (Ok, that wasn't very inspiring.)

Just because I don't feel like speech was my thing. And just because I feel that there are some things in life that you'll try, you'll suck at it. And that taught you some great lesson that even if you need to accept it the hard way, but after time you'll eventually get better and improved from those mistakes.

Ladies and gentlemen,



Pada akhirnya, setelah seluruh perdebatan dalam hati dan logika, gue mengambil advertising sebagai peminatan final. Alasan kenapa gue gak pilih jurnalistik:

Pas nonton berita Ahok blusukan, semua tangan wartawannya berkulit sawo matang. Kalau gue ikut mewawancara paling diusir karena malah dikira fans paslon bukan wartawan.

Alasan kenapa gue gak pilih public relation: karena gak suka berelasi dengan publik.

Alasan gue tetep kuliah: supaya bisa kerja dan dapet duit.

Memasuki hari pertama kuliah 3 hari lalu, beberapa factsnya adalah:

1. My body condition is not delicious (Baca: gak enak badan)
2. Gue hapal muka tapi gak hapal nama jadi kalo dipanggil gue cuman bisa bilang hai aja
3. Masih tetep telat masuk kuliah

Walau begitu gue seneng banget karena mata kuliah yang ada di semester ini memang benar-benar membuat gue tertarik dan termotivasi bangun pagi untuk pergi ke kuliah.

Dan in about 2 days gue bakal akhirnya memulai lomba speech gue, AEO. Scary as hell, nervous af. Sambil ngetik ini aja perut gue udah nendang-nendang. I hope somehow, I'll win this thing.

Wish me luck,


its 2017, i'm unemployed

Day 15 of 2017. Ya tetap deh untuk formalitas aja, Happy New Year 2017!

Memang rasanya gabut banget hidup gak punya kerjaan di saat liburan. Senang sih, tapi sedih juga.

Beda sama tahun-tahun sebelumnya di mana gue kadang masih sibuk urusin kerjaan... rutinitas gue sekarang malah cuman tidur kemaleman, bangun kesiangan, aktivitas sehari-hari, dan balik tidur kemaleman lagi.

Untuk sedikit pembelaan biar gue paling tidak terlihat sedikit punya kontribusi sama sekali terhadap diri sendiri. Di awal tahun ini, gue lagi sering bolak-balik ke Untar buat persiapan latihan lomba English Speech di AEO 2017 (Asean English Olympics). Jujur, gue seneng banget bisa terpilih mewakili Untar, sekaligus sedih karena gue terkadang masih harus bangun pagi kayak mau berangkat kuliah.

Sekitar 8 hari lalu, kamera baru gue akhirnya sampe juga ke rumah. Berapa kali sempet kayak calon di PHP-in, antara dateng atau enggak, eh akhirnya nyampe juga. That way, gue end up membuat video pertama hasil kamera baru tentang pertandingan olahraga yang diikuti organisasi gereja gue. Later on, I'll upload it.

Dan mungkin satu lagi, kemarin gue masih sempat mencari kerjaan di beberapa situs lowongan kerja, dan still no response until now.

Ada satu sih yang respon, kerjaannya jadi tutor inggris. Tapi langsung gue tolak karena pas baca acceptance letter-nya lagi gue baru ngeh, ternyata gue ngelamar kerjaan di Jakarta Selatan... Dan rumah gue di Jakarta Utara. (Iya, gue emang kadang bego.)

Ngomong-ngomong soal tutor inggris, emang agak wajar sih kenapa gak ada yang respon gue, pelamar kerjanya ada 200 orang. Jadi gue pribadi memaklumi, antara emang ada yang lebih bagus dari gue, atau yang ngecekin CV udah tewas kecapean.

Ngelamar kerjaan bikin gue jadi mikir sih, kalau sampe amit-amitnya gak dapet kerjaan, gue mau makan darimana?

Maka dari itu, gue berpikir kalau kita gak boleh selalu bertaruh pada lowongan pekerjaan dari orang lain, tetapi kita harus juga membuat lowongan pekerjaan bagi diri kita sendiri.

That is why, gue mau balik lagi menjalani kursus untuk 2 hal utama, belajar bahasa Mandarin, dan belajar main piano sampe jago. At least, soft skills seperti ini dicari dan dibutuhkan orang. Minimal ketika demand dunia kerja berbeda dengan yang gue tawarkan secara utama. Gue masih bisa jual sesuatu ke orang lain. (Gue ngomong apaan sih.)

Siapapun lu yang baca tulisan ini sampai di paragraf ini, gue harap lu jangan lupa tersenyum dan juga jangan lupa makan. It is all from me so far, 39 posts to go.

2017 starts,

i remember you.

there was your warmth, and there was darkness when you left. Everything slipped away— empty days, I lost it all. We were as close as breath ...