
riot: coming soon.

I'm so done with all these fucked-up people 'acting' as if they actually care about society and their belief. These so-called 'leaders' dengan pengikut mereka yang bahkan gak kalah bodohnya.

Indonesia mostly dihuni oleh majority of uneducated people. Dan gawatnya karena majority rules, pasti yang lebih banyak dianggap lebih kuat dan kalo rame-rame pasti lebih berani. Hal ini menjadi sangat buruk karena kebanyakan orang-orang uneducated gak bisa menentukan decisions yang tepat untuk hidup mereka. Ketergantungan mereka untuk menyerahkan keputusan pada orang yang berada pada status dan tingkat yang lebih tinggi membuat mereka menjadi pengikut dan ya munculah... kelompok-nasi-bungkus.

Ambil contoh ketika tawuran, semua bergerombol dan gak ada yang namanya maju satu lawan satu. Serius deh, lo itu cuman keliatan kuat kalo bareng-bareng. Kalo sendiri, mental lo gak lebih gede dari mental tikus.

Most of them juga hypocrite banget. Acting as if their belief are being dishonored tapi 'membalas' dengan tingkah laku yang gak mencerminkan orang beragama.

Like seriously, give me a logical explanation, not some sort of a idiotic argumentation unrelated to facts and reality.

Tomorrow they'll make riots by November 4th. If I happen to die in this riot. I hope for China to avenge my life.

Tipikal pendemo Indonesia Nov 4th:
1. Takut sama Tuhan, tapi gak takut sama hukum.
2. They use Allahuakbar. A lot.
3. They use some sort of verse quoted from their books that we don't even understand.
4. They blocked me on Instagram for commenting logical things (Freedom of speech blocked)
5. Percaya sama hari akhir/akhirat/doomsday/judgement day, which no one knows. (Also, probably Ahok will be alr dead before judgement day.)

Any religion teaches you to do things in a more positive way. If you feel offended by words, actions regarding your belief, then reply them in a positive way not by violating your own belief laws.

Mereka semua suci, Ahok penuh dosa.

i remember you.

there was your warmth, and there was darkness when you left. Everything slipped away— empty days, I lost it all. We were as close as breath ...