
what time is it

November 29th, 3.05 am.

Baru aja gue bangun dari tidur terlama dalam hidup gue. Dari jam 7.15 sampai jam 11.45. Tepat 4,5 jam.

Dan kabarnya hari ini ada gempa sesaat. And I missed it. Well, kesimpulan yang gue dapet adalah mungkin ketika nanti ada gempa lagi dan gue sedang tidur... Gue baru akan terbangun karena ketimpa lemari.

Motivasi menulis jam segini adalah ketidakbisaan gue untuk kembali ke dunia mimpi. Dan seharusnya perut ini paling tidak perlu membakar sesuatu sebelum tidur. Tapi sayangnya mbak gue udah tidur dan gue gak tau box indomie ditaro dimana.

Akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk main game yang 'sempat' membuat gue lupa akan UTS. Game terseru abad 21. Line Ranger. Dan game itu sukses membuang 1 jam dari waktu gue, tapi masih belum cukup lama untuk membuat rasa ngantuk itu kembali muncul.

Setelah bosan gue mencari makanan di kulkas dan menemukan sisa 2 coklat Ferrero. Tentu saja gue makan dan gue masih tetap laper.

Pas balik ke kamar, ambil HP dan buka Line. Temen kuliah ternyata udah gak bales Line gue, jadi gue sekarang sedang terdiam sambil mendengarkan suara hujan yang turun secara perlahan.

Besok pagi gue akan pergi gereja... Dalam 3 jam gue akan kembali bangun. Hal ini membuat gue agak sedikit ragu untuk tidur lagi.

Anyway some songs that I actually enjoy listening to at this moment of silence.
Writing's On The Wall and Sorry.

Also, I wonder what will my Christmas be this year. As last year's tentu akan sangat berbeda dengan tahun ini. I hope I could spend the last month of 2015 with things that will be heavily missed when I look back one day.




- I often switch my POVs, from mine to others, so I can sorta guess what others may think of me.
- Like any songs that has meaningful lyrics, also EDM songs that has a good beats.
- My personal favorite jokes comes from sarcasm, or 'You-need-to-be-smart-enough-to-get-it' jokes.
- Can't lie, because a good liar would convince others that he's honest enough not to tell lies.
- Make unthinkable bluff when I lie. Even sometimes I praised myself for my own bluff.

- Negative thinker. Always see a situation from it's worst-possible case.
- Always pay attention to little details, and also try to find hidden meanings behind it.
- Don't enjoy korean foods as much as I enjoy their reality shows, songs, and dramas.
- Perfectionism.
- Enjoy getting new words that I haven't know.

- I sleep using eye cover since I was 15.
- My preferences for a perfect girl is smart, good-looking eyes, and brave.
- I'm bad at teaching people how to do something.
- My hobbies are usually for girls. Writing, knitting, playing guitar.
- Hate self-centered people. The one that never think of other people's life.

- I often forget to drink water after having a meal.
- Sometimes I sleep without putting any clothes on.
- My bedroom are messy, but I know where I put all my belongings.
- Never spill a single grain of rice on finishing my foods.
- Once I love someone, I love her like crazy.

- But I'm a shy guy when it comes to love.
- I had a commitment not going out with anybody except I can afford things for myself.
- I can't really trust people. Even my mom.
- My typical friend is someone who got the same mindset as mine.
- Not making friends with someone I'm uncomfortable with.



long time no speak

Why should I think about you?
Sure a glimpse of me rarely crossed your mind.

But still, sometimes I think of you.
Okay, it's a lie. I do think of you, a lot.

Well, as far as I can remember, you never actually left my heart.
A piece of you always stay, no matter how little it is.

Maybe you've gone, maybe you had forgotten all things that we did together.
But I'm here for you, if you ever get left behind. I'll wait like a fool, if you ever changed your mind.

"Celakanya hanya kaulah yang benar-benar aku tunggu. Hanya kaulah yang benar-benar memahamiku."

good for your ear

#currentfavsong (Meskipun judulnya sangat terdengar alay. Tapi lagu dan isi lagunya terdengar 180 derajat)

Yovie & Nuno
1. Lebih Dekat Denganmu
2. Dia Milikku
3. Tanpa Cinta
4. Bunga Jiwaku
5. Menjaga Hati

Sheila on 7
1. Seberapa Pantas
2. J.A.P.
3. Anugrah Terindah Yang Pernah Kumiliki
4. Melompat Lebih Tinggi
5. Pejantan Tangguh

1. Pandangan Pertama
2. Ratu Lebah
3. Tunjukkan Cintamu
4. Jadi Gila
5. Hanya Untukmu

i remember you.

there was your warmth, and there was darkness when you left. Everything slipped away— empty days, I lost it all. We were as close as breath ...