
start of something new

About 6 days ago, bisnis gue dan temen gue baru saja berjalan.

Kita open perdana di hari Senin, opening hours dari 4pm-12am, gue dan team gue udah stay dan prepare dari jam setengah 4. Lalu waktu terus berjalan, jam 5, jam 6, jam 7. Masih gak ada satu pun yang pesen. Gue mulai ngerasa gagal...

Akhirnya 7.30pm, beberapa temen gue dateng buat store visit, dan gak tau kenapa, setelah itu mendadak terjual terus dengan sangat cepat. And for the next few days, it's going better and better.

For the selling record, for weekdays penjualan gue untuk sekarang ini selalu masuk ke target, and weekends melebihi target.

I work (and also play) at The Playroom, PIK. It's a nice place, I'm not having trouble adapting with people yang ada disana. Dari food runners, servers, securities, staff kitchen, even all the managers. 

Overall, gue sangat senang berkenalan dengan orang-orang baru, dan tentunya dengan working experience yang lebih banyak dari gue, kita bisa sharing pengalaman, ngobrol-ngobrol, Eventually it turns out whoever the person is, we can actually learn something from them.

Gak tau kenapa, gue merasa ketika gue bekerja di sini, gue seakan gak kerja. It's not something seperti classic cliché, 'Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life'. Tapi, gue personally enjoy staying disini, I found my passion at working with people and maybe being abit bossy to someone ;)

But I found it hard to find a good joke now. I'm being too serious in life these past few days, and I know it well this is not a funny post at all. I hope I found my way back into jokes :')

its a playroom, but its not for me.

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komen biar dapet permen.

i remember you.

there was your warmth, and there was darkness when you left. Everything slipped away— empty days, I lost it all. We were as close as breath ...