

Karena gue lagi suka banyak lagu-lagu bermeaning bagus, gue pengen randomly nulis beberapa lirik favorit dari lagu-lagu favorit gue.

"And it's been a while but I still feel the same, maybe I should let you go."

"Kita adalah sepasang sepatu, selalu bersama tak bisa bersatu."

"Don’t you know you’re always on my mind, I think about you all the time. I’m lonely, broken hearted."

"Cukup bagiku melihatmu tersenyum manis, di setiap pagimu, siangmu, malammu."

"You're crazy, and I'm out of my mind."

"Terserah kali ini, sungguh aku takkan perduli."

"So as long as I live I'll love you, will have and hold you."

"What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you?"


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komen biar dapet permen.

i remember you.

there was your warmth, and there was darkness when you left. Everything slipped away— empty days, I lost it all. We were as close as breath ...