
moving pictures

Udah basi banget sih kalo gue baru bahas sekarang...

But I finally got my first bokeh-acceptable mirrorless camera aka Canon EOS M10 (Bcs all that matters is as long as kameranya bisa atur exposure and create bokeh, then it's a camera for me.)

One thing yang paling gue suka dari kameranya adalah fitur touch-screen dan flip screen. Karena dibanding kamera 20 juta temen gue (Sony A7S) yang layarnya gak bisa dikeluarin dan diteken-teken, paling enggak ada sisi dimana gue bisa sombong sedikit, hehe.

Dari kamera itu gue udah buat beberapa video buat anak-anak gereja gue dan video volunteer untuk anak-anak English To Knock The Door.

Anyway, itu memang cuman test kamera, ibarat mobil yang baru di starter.

Sekarang ini gue lagi sibuknya mengurus konsep buat bikin satu channel (yang sepertinya akan digarap dengan lebih serius) dan gue super bahagia akhirnya ketemu satu temen yang punya passion sama seperti gue.

Gue gak tau kapan gue bakal upload videonya, semoga monthly bisa ada satu project yang jadi dan semoga lagi gue gak jadi procrastinator dan nyesel di akhir tahun seperti biasanya.

Camera, Roll, Action.

i (didn't) win.

(Since it was an English speech competition that I've been working on. I'll write this on English as well.)

It was a very heartbreaking moment the way that you know there's always someone better than you. But I've never ever imagined that it would be a very big number of people. Out of 88 people, that day I probably ranked around 80-ish something. They were very fascinating yet intimidating at the same time.

Last February, I joined this competition called Asian English Olympics 2017 (AEO) as a speech participant. I wasn't in my best condition, I still got some fever left yet because I've been preparing this whole thing for a whole month (fyi, it's supposed to be holiday yet it doesn't feel like one at all), I feel tempted to keep going (and maybe also bcs i paid half the entrance fee, lol.)

I completely didn't make it anywhere, but I wasn't bad at all (#self-proclaimed), it's just they were better than me (this isn't an excuse).

I've learned that even losing sometimes taught you to keep going, no matter how hard things you'll face. And I'm supposed to join another speech competition this month... but I quit. (Ok, that wasn't very inspiring.)

Just because I don't feel like speech was my thing. And just because I feel that there are some things in life that you'll try, you'll suck at it. And that taught you some great lesson that even if you need to accept it the hard way, but after time you'll eventually get better and improved from those mistakes.

Ladies and gentlemen,

i remember you.

there was your warmth, and there was darkness when you left. Everything slipped away— empty days, I lost it all. We were as close as breath ...